First release with Claudia that was all my instrumentation! Took us a while to finally put together, but we made it 😀 “Alone” is a dramatic song with classical influences and modern production.
All set up again! Ready to track some cool grooves over here…
From what I have researched for dynamic mics, the Shure SM57 is the way to start for anything drums. Everyone recording from the bedroom studio to million dollar facilities have a number of these because of the “papery” familiar sound it gives on snares and guitar amplifier cabinets.
My first dynamic mic setup consisted of one 57 over the ride cymbal pointing at the snare plus a Beta 57 in the kick. Using just these two you can instantly hear the drum sound from all your favorite records. When it came up mic up my toms, I luckily found a KILLER deal on a pair of Sennheiser’s for the rack and floor. 421’s do NOT disappoint when it comes to toms, super full and punchy tones easily.
These Drum Cube’s are the first and last of the MXL mics I used while learning to record, so I’ll keep them forever! I use them for overheads but I typically tame their brightness a bit in the mix. They get a nice spread if you have the room to distance them out, my last rehearsal room had more space which allowed me to experiment a lot with these.
Since my drums are now in a smaller space, I’m considering replacing the Cubes with pencil condensers to focus on the cymbals only, and possibly swapping the Spark for a 47 clone on the outside kick.
Gear List:
Kick In – Shure Beta 52
Kick Out – Blue Spark
Snare Top/Bottom – Shure SM57 (2)
Rack and Floor Toms – Sennheiser MD-421II (2)
Overheads – MXL Drum Cube (2)
Mono Room (Not Shown) – AKG 414XLII
Releases On Spotify
Here are some tunes I’ve had a hand in from arrangement, recording, mixing and/or mastering
NEW RELEASE: “Passenger Side” by Lucas Sanchez

We’ve been working on this for about three years! We tracked drums, guitars and bass about three years ago. Through many remote sessions, emails and masked visits, we got tracks filled up and mixed down! Mastered by Francci
NEW RELEASE: “Birthday Party” by Claudia Melo
I had the pleasure of helping Claudia with her previous releases, and I was thrilled when we collaborated on “Birthday Party!” She had brought me a rough outline from her producer, which I took and ran with adding guitars, percussion, and effects.
2022, here we go!
It’s been too long since I’ve updated my blog, my goal this year is to reconnect and post here more often!
Since 2021 has brought many ups and downs I used this time to grow my skills and gear as a Music Producer. The “About” section has an updated list of studio goodies, and am also looking to relocate to a slightly bigger room here at my facility in the near future.
I have been working on music for this year, so stay tuned for some great upcoming releases!
All the best to everyone for 2022 😀
NEW RELEASE: Sea Minus Mountains

The last band I mixed, The Ugly Stumps, have turned into Sea Minus Mountains! This round we tracked bass and drums at our local studio, then completed guitars, vocals and mixing here at my project space.
Great alt rock vibes here, I really enjoy their style! Slow Down is more Rock Ballad while Regardless is uptempo. Enjoy!
Claudia Melo – Reflections
I had the pleasure of recording two acoustic songs (Good One’s, Nobody’s Favorite) for Claudia’s new EP Reflections! Please give a listen here
NEW MIX: LPC MUS37 GRP1 – Time Stolen

I’ve been taking a Music Business course this fall, for our group project we made a song together using a shared Google folder to transfer wav files that were recorded at everyone’s home to bring together onto my system. Each group had a manager, creators and Tech (me!). I would email rough MP3 mixes to the creators for review then revise as needed. We only had one major revision and it worked out very nicely! Utilizing my other instruments, I added P-Bass and programmed Drums for the arrangement. A combination of Neve 1073 and SSL 4000 Series emulations were used for tracking. I added three separate reverbs and delays to flavor things up in the mix as well, using techniques I recently learned from Chris Lord Alge. For mastering (HA! “Mastering…”) the chain I used was the Drawmer S73 processor for clarity, Focusrite Red EQ for more transparency, then finally just a tad of the Red 3 Compressor for a final “glue.”
Pretty amazing how technology can still bring us together during times like these.
Guitar/Vocals – Lucas Sanchez
Acoustic Guitar – Eric Sedillo
Vocals – Claudia Melo
Drums/Bass – Marc deVasconcelos